Wednesday, March 11, 2020

100WC ~ The Tour by: Danielle A

I’m trying to hold on
“And over there is the great canyon of Atlantis.” My tour guide said. We are in a very compacted helicopter looking over the Canyon of Atlantis. There is a river going through it called Ruby River.
“I’m going to look out the door and admire its beauty.” I say, and put my head out the opened door.
“Okay, but don’t fal-” I couldn’t hear the rest of her sentence, since I was falling down to the hard, cold, dirty, ground. Luckily I grabbed on to a cliff.
“Are you okay?” She screams.
“I'M TRYING TO HOLD ON!” I shouted, my hands are getting sweaty. I feel like I’m going to die, which I am. A hawk swoops down to me, looks at me, then steps on my hands making them slip.